[Coco] RE: [Color Computer] Looking for a Coco I 64k?

Raphael, Mark I mark.raphael at eds.com
Sat Nov 12 21:00:33 EST 2005

>There were modifications to make a CoCo 64K back to the D board (although it
>was a pain on the D). I have an E board that was modified to 64K. Tandy
Upgrading my D board to 64K wasn't bad.  It just required unsoldering the existing memory, snipping a few pins, adding a jumper or 2, and soldering in the new 64K chips.  Worked the first time, never had a problem with it.  I think I got the upgrade instructions from an issue of Hot Coco.  23 years ago, can't remember that well...
Mark R
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