[Coco] RE: [Color Computer] New member

Kevin Diggs kevdig at hypersurf.com
Sat May 14 14:28:30 EDT 2005


Glen VanDenBiggelaar wrote:
> You might have a real hard time finding the right chips, my suggestion is to 
> get a brand new CoCo 3 form cloud 9, www.clould9tech.com ($70 new inbox or 
> $30 refurb) or a 64K coco2 from e-bay (shouldn't pay over $10) or I have 
> some on my website's online store (www.coco.8bit-micro.com) on the hardware 
> page. I know, its no fun just getting another one, but it is cheaper than 
> buying the indivdual chips, and God knows where you would be able to get an 
> Extended Rom chip(s).
> -Glen

	Do the pinouts for the ROMs match any similar sized EPROMs?


P.S.:  Which address are we supposed to reply to?

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