[Coco] Re: Again: CoCo user age chart updated

Mark Marlette mark at cloud9tech.com
Wed Mar 30 18:04:37 EST 2005


How did you get a prototype FHL Mpack??? In on the design?



Quoting Roger Merchberger <zmerch at 30below.com>:

> Rumor has it that Torsten Dittel may have mentioned these words:
> >>Trend line seems to be smoothing.
> >
> >Yes. And there's still some preference (kind off saddle points) for
> ages
> >34 and 56 (people were 12 and 34 years old in 1983, maybe the "sons"
> &
> >"dads" ;-))))
> 37 currently, ++ in July.
> Bought my first CoCo2 in '84 when I was a Senior in High School; 16K
> and
> Extended Basic. Expanded it to 64K by myself, then sold the system
> when the
> CoCo3's came out - had the first one in the area. I still have that
> CoCo3
> (now 512K, dual (or triple) floppies, OS-9 Level II) but it's not
> currently
> set up due to space constraints, but I'm working on that. ;-)
> After that, I had a Tandy PC-2 pocket computer, then "upgraded" that
> to a
> Tandy 200 laptop w/floppy drive - Altho I'll never give up my 200
> (That's
> what I'd prefer to be buried with - it runs longer on batteries...
> ;-) ) I
> do wish I still had the PC-2. <sniff>
> I now have several CoCo1's, 2's, and 3's, plus some rather
> collectible
> hardware (Prototype FHL Multipak System being the centerpiece of the
> collection) but not a lot of room for them, so they're currently in
> my
> 3rd-floor attic space until the house remodeling has been undertaken,
> and I
> have a bigger office space to use.
> Ah well... back to work. Laterz,
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger
> --
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Bugs of a feather flock together."
> sysadmin, Iceberg Computers |           Russell Nelson
> zmerch at 30below.com          |
> --
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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