[Coco] [Color Computer] .djvu vs .pdf: example files posted

Mark Anderson rammdesign at msn.com
Wed Jul 13 12:22:46 EDT 2005

Michael, no question --- djvu.  Others seem to be very PDF happy (and with good reason since PDF is the STANDARD)  but I like programs to open immediately when I click on a file.  The DJVU web browser plug-in I have opens immediately on a double click of a djvu file.  With PDF, there is that annoying wait.  And my laptop fan kicks on more with PDF's.  Call me picky and anal but that's the way I am. But wait...there's more, REAL practical reasons to follow...

The OCR of the test1.djvu  is simply amazing. I can actually select text on the August 1989 COVER!!  Why is the OCR disabled in the test2.djvu?  I admit test2.djvu is slightly cleaner,  but test1 is acceptable, especially with the OCR included!  I was amazed that I can select the text on the cover.  Did the djvu conversion software do that OCR process automatically?  If so, how cool is that.......

Michael, ironically, I uploaded to your ftp a muich better version of that Aug. 1989 cover weeks ago.  Do you still have it?  Did I send it to you in an unacceptable format?  Let me know.

You guys have to admit that file size on test1.djvu with the OCR is mighty attractive.  Its crisp and colorful enough for me with OCR.  Artifacts in DJVU are not as annoying as PDF artifacts at low compression values.  Also, the DJVU haters need to realize that there is a all black and white mode you can select.  Right click on the DJVU file while open and select "display".  There are 4 modes, color, b&w, background and foreground.  Play with those while viewing the test1.djvu sample Michael provided on your machine.  Test1.djvu is the only one it works with.  AMAZING.  How does DJVU do that?  I'm able to look at the cover WITHOUT the text and I'm also able to look at the pages without text and the beautiful all black and white mode on top of it all.  All up to me the end user viewing the teeny weeny 502kb DJVU file.

Thus endeth the sermon.

rammdesign at msn.com<about:blank>
ittybittybeadco at msn.com

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