[Coco] OT: Re: Question - Rainbow Archi(DjVue vs. PDF)

Ward Griffiths wdg3rd at comcast.net
Mon Jul 11 15:16:49 EDT 2005

On 07/11/2005 01:10 pm, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> Funny thing about Twain was that he made an impassioned speech before
> Congress advocating perpetual copyrights (his reasoning is interesting
> though-- lots of qualifiers about 'why' that no longer hold true so his
> opinion might be different today).
> I think all Twain books are now public domain. You can get them from
> Project Gutenberg.
> -- John.

Well, he died in 1910.  So even the Bono death+70 years sentence has expired.
Ward Griffiths    wdg3rd at comcast.net

"I predicted that if control of drugs were administrated by law
enforcement agencies, the result would be a black market more irrational
and widespread than that of alcohol prohibition and the growth of
enormous police-state repressive bureaucracy." Dr. Timothy Leary

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