[Coco] Regarding Copyright and the Rainbow Magazine

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Tue Jul 5 19:11:46 EDT 2005

Wait a minute.  Aren't we talking about a database that is compiled  
by someone else, and not a direct duplication of The Rainbow's  
index?  Can Lonnie claim that he owns the copyright to that compilation?

Even so, Lonnie Falk's attitude is personally repugnant to me.  His  
propensity to use litigation as a threat, while reminding everyone  
incessantly of his copyright, really shows me what this man is made  
of.  Instead of showing his gratitude to the CoCo community which  
gave him his "house that Rainbow built,"  he continues to use what  
little demand there is left to line his pockets.  His right, for  
sure, but he got the last of my money when my final $31 year  
subscription made it to his mailbox in Prospect, KY.

While I applaud your efforts, Michael, I won't be giving my money to  
this jerk.


On Jul 5, 2005, at 5:40 PM, Michael Wayne Harwood wrote:

>> I believe I can (hopefully at no cost) set up an online, searchable,
>> indexable database. Admin accounts could be given to allow data to be
>> added as it becomes available. Give me a few days to set up a demo.
> I emailed Lonnie concerning your database idea and this is his reply:
>   ANYTHING and EVERYTHING published by Falsoft carries a copyright.  
> No one
>   can generate anything in any way from any of that material without
>   violating the copyright. The gentleman to whom you refer would be
>   violating our ownership of the copyright by re-publishing it in  
> any way
>   -- whether he OCRs it, types it in by hand or whatever.
>   I think people need to understand we paid to have this material  
> come into
>   being: whether we paid staff to do it, paid third party people  
> for it
>   (such as the indexes) or whatever. When they bought a copy of the
>   publication, they bought a license to use it; but not to  
> distribute it to
>   someone else. They simply do not have the right to take something  
> we paid
>   for and give it away or re-sell it to the known world. Please  
> advise this
>   guy that he simply cannot do it and, honestly, the more widely he
>   circulates anything illegally, the more a court would award us  
> for that
>   copyright violation.
> Regards,
> Michael Harwood
> -- 
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