[Coco] Cloud-9 Product Comments Wanted

Mark Marlette mark at cloud9tech.com
Wed Jan 26 10:32:01 EST 2005

SuperIDE is a polled device, no IRQ's.

Why do you have an MPI anyway? Are you constantly coping files from the
floppy to the CF? We run without the MPI all the time. Only when you
want to add files to it and aren't DriveWire'd up that we have to add
the floppy back in.

FLASH, is in the SuperIDE and can flash ROMs, whatever into any of the
four available ROMs in the SuperIDE. Now they are 8k in size. The
larger games won't work. I have a pak already designed that will have
16k ROMs and could have 16 ROM pak games in one pak, software
selectable, all FLASHable.

EPROM programmer, hard to compete with the MSDOS world.


Quoting Benoit Bleau <benbleau at gmail.com>:

> Here are a few ideas.
> - A kit to install the SuperIDE under the motherboard.  How about
> something
> with a PAL chip or similar that can also re-route IRQ signals?  I
> wouldn't
> mind installing a switch on the back of the coco to choose the 'slot'
> . This
> would free-up the cartridge slot. I would love to get the MPI out of
> there,
> since it takes so much room on my desk.
> - How about an eprom/flash programmer that can program chips
> compatible with
> the coco roms?
> -Ben
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