[Coco] Testing memory?

John Kowalski sock at axess.com
Sat Jan 22 00:14:45 EST 2005

Jim Cox wrote:
>MemTest software would be nice, but first off, I need to 
>see if the system recognizes the 512K RAM.  I've misplaced 
>my notes from when I installed the 512K in my system back 
>in Sept. and I really haven't done much with the CoCo 
>since, so I am very very rusty with the CoCo (it's been 20 
>years since I placed with it)
>How do I check to see if the Computer sees the 512K?

Here's a super quickie way to test it from Basic

10 FORA=0TO3:LPOKE131072*A,4-A:NEXT
20 PRINT LPEEK(0)*128;"K"

It'll simply print "512 K" if you have 512K, and "128 K" if you have 128K.
(This test will not detect 1 or 2 Meg RAM upgrades.)

                                         John Kowalski (Sock Master)

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