[Coco] ...speaking of emulation on the CoCo

David Hazelton davehazelton at access-4-free.com
Thu Jan 20 22:13:52 EST 2005

Isn't that what Frank Hoggs TC-70 and TC-9 did, share a memory space. 
Also I believe that Burke & Burke's Rocket, would pass data between the 
coco's 6809 and the Rocket's 68000 using a shared memory block.

Long time since I've heard anybody taking about sharing memory between 

~David Hazelton

John Kowalski wrote:

> Two CoCos talking to each other would be too slow, but if they were somehow
> interconnected so that lets say 8K of the 64K memory map coexisted between
> the two CoCos, they could both read,write and process data from that area at
> full speed.  This is way complicated to implement and very few people would
> be willing to attempt it - A vectrex emulator like this isn't much good if
> only one or two people on the planet have the hardware setup to run it.
>                                          John Kowalski (Sock Master)
>                                          http://www.axess.com/twilight/sock/

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