[Coco] Lost message

John A Podraza tonypodraza at juno.com
Sat Jan 1 10:29:28 EST 2005

I believe, but am not sure, that John Riddle had sent me a message @
podraza.tony at iaeco.net.  Unfortunately, I had a finger-fumble when I was
clearing out the spam when the message arrived, and i,   uh, oopsed that
message, too.  Would the sender please re-contact me at this email
address (tonypodraza at juno.com).  I caught a fleeting reference about
receiving something from me in the snail-mail.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you.

By the way, all, April is just around the corner.

Tony Podraza, Activist; Glenside  Color Computer Club, Inc
Sponsor of the 14th Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFEST! 
"A Silver Silicon Selebration!"
April 16th & 17th, 2005--Same Familiar Place...ALMOST
Visit our website---http://members.aol.com/clubbbs/glenside

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