[Coco] Re: CoCo graphics adventures ... online?

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Wed Aug 31 07:11:35 EDT 2005

Hello Roger

Oh no! another yop responder 8-)))) anyway, I have that puppy, I just have
to dig it out!. And yes i thought it was great too.

On 08/26/2005, Roger Taylor wrote:
> I thought this might get your attention...
> I'm seeking the BASIC program 'CoCoZone' which was in one of the
> Rainbow  magazines and the disk or tape.  I used to have this program
> and liked it  quite a bit.  The upper part of the screen is the
> graphics and you type in  the lower portion.  I want to convert this
> game to run on CoCo3.com using PHP.
> If anyone knows of other neat BASIC-written text/graphics adventures
> they  would like to see put online and possibly take on a multiplayer
> form,  please forward your ideas to the list or to me privately.  I'm
> ready to do  these projects and give the CoCo community something else
> to keep us together.
> The reason I'm seeking games like these written in BASIC is so I can 
> translate the entire code to another language instead of trying to
> clone  just the look and feel but with only some of the features.  I
> want to  translate the entire game.
> On a similar note, I'm installing an RPG game on the site now which
> will I  hope to customize to have some kind of CoCo theme if possible.
>  Also, the  CoCo Cafe will be cloned into a PHP version soon which will
> take on more  features.  In other words, CoCo3.com is going PHP/MySQL
> so expect many  great changes to come.
> Cheers,
> Roger Taylor
Cruising on AutoPilot                       |
        With an Amiga           ---o-o-O-o-o---  and a CoCo

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