[Coco] booting OS9 from hard drive(an essay, by George)

Bob Devries bdevries at gil.com.au
Fri Aug 26 02:41:48 EDT 2005

I hacked a disk rom to jump to the DOS command when it had finished its
initialisation routines.

While this is not pretty, and *does* cause some problems if I do want to go
to disk basic, it does work fine for booting into OS9 via my boot floppy.

Now, *remembering* what I did to make it do this could be a problem :(
>   My wish list includes a ROM to boot directly to the hard drive after a
> short, timed menu option to do something on the keyboard(such as press F1)
> which would cause the coco to go into DECB. This way if there were a
> with the HD, I could still do something from DECB, such as boot from a
> floppy.

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