[Coco] Re: Gadgets

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Tue Apr 5 19:08:42 EDT 2005

bill gordon wrote:

> Well, I found a poke (POKE 282,0-sets keyboard to lowercase, POKE
> 282,255-resets to uppercase).  So, I tried it. I must have a non-standard
> machine.  (CoCo3, part #26-3334, Serial # 1119186 ), because all I get is
> inverse screen.

This POKE is just "emulating" the result of the SHIFT+0 key stroke.

POKE &HFF22,(PEEK(&HFF22) OR 16)

will turn the lowercase on, but the OK-prompt will reset it again. It 
only works in a programm, try:

10 CLS
20 FOR I = 32 TO 255: PRINT CHR$ (I); : NEXT
30 POKE &HFF22,(PEEK(&HFF22) OR 16)
40 GOTO 40

(you can obmit the spaces)

Pressing "BREAK" will return to "normal" mode.

On the CoCo2 there was a POKE 359,57 to keep the mode "idle" even while 
at the OK-prompt, but this is quite dangerous with Disk Basic (forgot 
why). Or if you e.g. use SOUND 1,1 it will play forever because you're 
disabling a RAM hook which is timing the sound's duration. POKE 359,126 
will return to normal behaviour.

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