[Coco] Re: I don't get it

James C. Hrubik, Sr. jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 4 08:04:07 EDT 2005

Ah!  Now if you had written B * 6, it would have been completely 
on-topic, because B*6=42(&H), and that's Co-Co speak!  But then again, 
I never read HHGTTG.

On Sunday, April 3, 2005, at 09:01  PM, Torsten Dittel wrote:

> James C. Hrubik, Sr. wrote:
>> Please explain.
> OT-Warning! :-)
> "9 * 6 = 42" is kind of a quote from the famous "Hitchhiker's Guide To 
> The Galaxy (HHGTTG)" 5-part trilogy by Douglas N. Adams (R.I.P.).
> Although the author had the intention of producing complete nonsense, 
> someone found out that this multiplication is true in a number system 
> with base 13... ;-)
> Torsten

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