[Coco] Sad news for Canadian's

Nickolas Marentes nick at launch.net.au
Mon Apr 25 15:31:44 EDT 2005

>>I was just at the local mall, Picking up another VideoTex unit from the
>>postoffice, and I stopped in at the local Radio Shack. The guy there
>>said within the next couple of weeks, they will be gone. Its seems
>>Circut City down in the US, bought out Intertan (canadian arm of
>>Tandy). So the Shack is history in Canada!

Here in Australia, they've been gone for the last 2 years. We have a local
electronics chain called Dick Smith Electronics (Owned by Woolworths) that
has bought the Tandy (InterTan) chain.

They've either shut down the Tandy stores they didn't want, converted stores
they did want into Dick Smith stores or have left them as Tandy stores
possibly pending a future conversion to one of the 2 previous outcomes.

Tandy/Radio Shack is history outside of the US.


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