[Coco] Help with Cloud-9 install -- oops.

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Sun Sep 19 13:11:08 EDT 2004

On Sep 19, 2004, at 8:27 AM, Mark Marlette wrote:
>  Directory of /s5/cloud9/ver030204/6309l2   2004/09/19 08:35
> CMDS           SYS             DEFS            sysgo
> startup        NITROS9         MODULES         read.me

sysgo!  Duh. That's the part I was missing -- I seemed to recall some 
file that needed to be there (that, long ago, we all thought had to be 
merged into os9boot, then figured out it did not).  I was getting the 
boot failed at "X" I think but had not looked up which part it was.

Okay, so all I need to do now is search for "sysg" string, to find the 
binary on my drive, then find the FID sector that points to where that 
module starts on disk, and add that to my root.  Finding "read.me" will 
be harder since I have no idea what is inside of it but other than 
that, I'm set.

Once I recover the directory, the problem is that the file allocation 
table still thinks those sectors are "Free" and would write over them 
-- so I run a utility that fixes that.  I *think* DCHECK will actually 
do that -- (???) -- if not, it was one of my Burke&Burke utilities.

You know, thank heavens for Chris Burke.  He made some of the most 
significant utilities for OS-9.  Pity they were never brought over to 
OS-9/68K or OS-9000 -- there would have been a serious market for them 

		-- Allen

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