[Coco] odd JOYSTK behavior

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Sun May 30 09:14:37 EDT 2004

--- Robert Gault <robert.gault at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> Robert Emery wrote:
> > This is baffling me... all along I know that JOYSTK(0/1) is LEFT and
> > JOYSTK(2/3) is RIGHT.
> > 
> > So why does my CoCo3P read just the opposite?
> Perhaps because the first statement is wrong? Coco3 "Quick Reference 
> Guide", "JOYSTK (J) - Returns the horizontal or vertical coordinates (j) 
> of the left or right joystick.
> 	0 - horizontal right
> 	1 - vertical right
> 	2 - horizontal left
> 	3 - vertical left"

According to Going Ahead with Extended Color Basic, page 195 it, uh, *was*:
    0 - horizontal left
    1 - vertical left
    2 - horizontal right
    3 - vertical right
So Tandy reversed this in the CoCo3?  If so, I'm sure it wasn't a conscious
decision on their part, given their supposed desire to maintain backwards
compatibility... think about their hires interface. Those "instructions" say to
use LEFT & CASS. Now that's broken, you have to use RIGHT & CASS?

I've been writing Basic code since the early 80's and always remember the left
joystick being first (0/1). Maybe that's why I never paid that much attention
to it... just plug into the other port if a program didn't see it at first,
which somehow always managed to be the case.

That always annoyed me about CoCo programs. That's why I have FOG detect which
one is being used instead of forcing the user to unplug/replug/start cussing
somewhere in between.

Oh well, enough digression. I learned something new today, Thanks Robert.


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