[Coco] Moving from SyQuest EZ-135 to CompactFlash

James Dessart james at skwirl.ca
Mon May 17 10:14:12 EDT 2004

On 17-May-04, at 1:20 AM, Allen Huffman wrote:

> When I have this done, I want to put the CF card into my Mac and read 
> it out as a disk image, usable by emulators.  Anyone know if this can 
> be done?  I don't know if the Mac or PC can use a non-formatted image. 
>  I seem to recall my old PC laptop could NOT touch the OS-9 EZ135 disk 
> -- I had to create a new track 0 that looked like a DOS track 0 and 
> then I could read the image into a PC, and restore 0 later.  Wow, I'd 
> forgotten about that mess.

It all depends which version of the Mac OS you're using. If it's Mac OS 
X, I should be able to walk you through the process of finding it and 
then reading the data off it. If it's in Mac OS 9, I can't really help, 
and it may not even be possible, not sure.


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