[Coco] Shell + 2.2a

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Mon Jul 12 16:55:22 EDT 2004

At 07:52 AM 7/12/2004, you wrote:
>This weekend I replaced Shell+2.1 with Shell+2.2a on my COCO3 OS9 LevII
>system. I correctly did the IPATCH to SCF.MN and made a new boot disk.
>When I boot the system to OS9 everything seems fine and Shell+2.2a seems
>to be working.
>However, the 1st thing I tried to do gave me trouble. I get a not enough
>RAM error when I try to format a floppy disk. Switching back to Shell+2.1
>everything works fine.

I remember having that problem years back with an old version of 
NitrOS-9.  Sometimes I couldn't format a HD or a floppy disk.  With 1m of 
RAM, I knew it was a bug.

Roger Taylor

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