[Coco] Re: problem with New NitrOS9

John Donaldson jadonaldson at charter.net
Mon Jul 5 15:59:36 EDT 2004

   I used dskini to transfer the first NitrOS9 disk to a 360K DSDD 
floppy. Then I set JC's
emulator so that /D0 was the 360K floppy. Then I told it to restart and 
it almost booted from the
floppy. What I got was:

KREL Boot Kernel tb.................bkernel P2 t*j

                   NITROS9 BOOT

So that is progress, but still no cigar.

John Donaldson

Rodney V Hamilton wrote:

>In article <40E88EEC.2090907 at charter.net>, 
>jadonaldson at charter.net says...
>>  I just downloaded the lastest and greatest NitrOS9, dated May, 2004. 
>>I copied the
>>DSK's over to John's emulator, told it to use Dsik in drive 0 and Disk 2 
>>in drive 2. Rebooted
>>the emulator and the boot failed.
>>What did I do wrong??
>>John Donaldson
>The NitrOS-9 distribution no longer supplies single-sided boot disk
>images, nor the front-side-only and back-side-only disk images that
>the JV and JC emulators both used to emulate double-sided boot disks.
>So how did you produce your /D0 and /D2 images?  The "ds40_[12].dsk"
>images are double-sided 40Trk disk images, used to create real disks.
>Actually, I find it very useful to patch the 720K 80Trk disk image
>to use as my /D0, with no /d2 needed.  If you look at the LSN0 byte
>at offset $0010 in the disk image, it will be set to $07 to indicate
>a double-sided 80trk disk, but if you CHANGE that byte to $06, the
>JV and JC emulators will be fooled into treating it as a single-sided
>disk with no need to split it into /d0 and /d2 pieces!
>However, the boot track will now be mapped to logical track #68 rather
>than #34 as the DOS command expects.  There are two solutions:
>[1] poke the new starting track number into the DOS command every time
>     eg:  POKE &HDF1C,68:DOS
>[2] patch the DOS command in the RSDOS rom image to automatically try
>    to boot from track #68 if the default track #34 fails
>If you use Jeff Vavasour's OS9BOOT instead of the BASIC ROM images,
>that can also be patched to auto-try tracks 34 and 68.  I posted both
>patches to this list on Oct 26 2003, (message ~#500 or so on GMANE or
>get it from the online maltedmedia COCO archives.)
>I hope this helps.

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