[Coco] RESET on CoCo 1/2 vs CoCo 3

Rogelio Perea os9dude at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 24 23:10:54 EST 2004

Art Flexser wrote:

> A lot of software uses this the technique of resetting back to itself as a
> copy-protection tool, to make it harder for someone to break out and
> resave an unprotected copy.  This protection is done by replacing Basic's
> reset vector at $72 with something that points to the program's entry
> point.  The only thing you can do is to find the place in the program that
> does this and knock out that instruction, or the one which stores $55 to
> $71, also required for this technique to work.

One thing that I miss is the ability to reset the CoCo 1/2 to the initial state without the need to cycle the power. The Commodore C=64 also had this problem, one had to cycle the power to do a reset; this, combined with the flakyness of the C=64power supply, could result in an early failure. To circumvent this I wire all my C=64s at the user port with a temporary pushbutton switch connecting two pads on that port together, that circuit was actually a hard reset, I guess Commodore got so cheap that adding a small switch to do a reset was ruled out, figuring the user would stick with the power down/up sequence... the added reset switch was conveniently installed in one side of the C=64 body.

I would like to know if there's a way to do this in the CoCo 1/2... wire a momentary switch to the reset lines in the 6809?

-=[ Rogelio ]=-
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