[Coco] off-topic, space program

John Donaldson jadonaldson at charter.net
Wed Jan 14 19:39:03 EST 2004

  Well from a old NASA dinosaur, who worked on the APOLLO MOON missions, 
I remember when JFK said we should go to the moon. People said how could 
we, when we had a war going on and poverty, and civil rights and we 
should spend the money here. Also the polls were 50/50 on
going to the moon.
    Also people forget that the grandfather of all desktop computers 
came from the Moon
missions. Since the Apollo would be out of reach of earth, a computized 
nav system was needed.
The first real all digital desktop size computer was born. Also many 
things we take for granted today came out of the Apollo and earlier 
missions. Besides, NASA created thousand of jobs and technolgy jumped 
thousands of percent.
   We will not do a mission like we did Apollo, too costly, too long to 
remake hardware. Use the
shuttle or similar to get cargo and people to low orbit. Transfer to a 
Earth-Luna transfer vechile,
it will go from earth orbit to moon orbit only. Then cargo and people 
transfer to a lander.

   Just my two cents worth.

John Donaldson

arikboke at yahoo.com wrote:

>That's assuming anything actually gets done.  We are, after all, talking about
>Bush.  If he gets re-elected, he can drop the whole shebang in a heart-beat. 
>People battered by the bad economy will not complain too loudly about a program
>that could cost an arm and a leg.
>--- jdaggett at gate.net wrote:
>>I am not holding my breath to the next moon mission. 2020 and I 
>>will 70 yrs old. I may not make to 2030,
>>On 14 Jan 2004 at 16:16, Roger Taylor wrote:
>>Date sent:      	Wed, 14 Jan 2004 16:16:17 -0600
>>To:             	coco at maltedmedia.com
>>From:           	Roger Taylor <rtaylor at bayou.com>
>>Subject:        	[Coco] off-topic, space program
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>>>This new spacecraft project sounds a whole lot like an indirect
>>>statement that they are replacing the unstable/faulty shuttles that
>>>keep blowing up and killing humans.
>>>Ok, I'm 35... and it looks like NASA will make sure we have a man on
>>>Mars no earlier than 2030, when I will be 61.  I'm not impressed.  I'm
>>>also not impressed over the 2020 date for the next moon mission.  I
>>>guess this is my old Star Trek inner-child wanting to see something
>>>happen while I'm still alive, but it looks like my future great
>>>grandkids might get to see a few rocks come back from the moon or
>>>Mars.  If I get to see a man step foot on Mars, I will have lived;
>>>then they can do whatever they want after that. :)
>>>Roger Taylor

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