[Coco] Re: Any reason to put a 6309 in a Coco2?

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Wed Jan 7 09:49:18 EST 2004

> I noticed a heavy emulation slow down on my machine if I'm in "Donut
> Dilemma" and set the speed setting to "Fast". It's running smooth
> with the "CoCo" setting. Might be another reason to remove the speed
> button...

I made some further testing and came to additional results:

a) If I change from "CoCo" to "Fast" speed, the CoCo's screen (and the
sound) won't update as long as I move the mouse. This makes it
impossible to play e.g. Buzzard Bait

b) If I'm at "Fast" speed and make a change on one of the load tabs, the
CoCo reboots (and it looks like it changes to "CoCo" speed again, like
after pressing the "Reset" or "Power" buttons), but it's still written
"Fast" on the speed button.

c) For the moment not reproducable, but sometimes after some heavy use
of the tabs , the applet changes into "slow motion" and it looks like
something is hanging. I have to restart the browser to fix that. As soon
as I can reproduce that behaviour, I'll send you how.

d) There's some inconsistency in the usage of the "Accept" button at the
bottom of the tabs. If I don't make a change on the "Cassette", "BIN"
and "DISK" tabs, its function is more an "Cancel" or "Exit" than an
"Accept"; anyway you don't have to confirm a selection on these tabs. On
the "Config" tab, it has both functions: If you change to a different
setting, it's "Accept", otherwise it's "Cancel". Solution: Make it to a
"Cancel" button for all tabs, and add an additional "Accept" button on
the "Config" tab (like the "Rewind Cassette" on the "Cassette" tab)

I hope it's still raining... ;-)


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