[Coco] Re: Test

jimcox at miba51.com jimcox at miba51.com
Tue Jan 6 01:55:11 EST 2004


Given this new list, I think the chance of a flame war 
erupting over this idea would be a lot less than in the 

The one thing to keep in mind is there there are new 
harware projects in the pipe, so if you were to do an 
emulator version of a possible CoCo-4, you may want to 
emulate those hardware projects too.

An emulator version of a CoCo-4 may be one way of flushing 
things out before proceeding with any wardware project. I 
don't know if it is possible, but maybe someone could take 
the open source 6809 VHDL code and incorporate into the 
emulator so it can be tweaked.  Once that is done, then a 
6309 version can be created and from there, a new CPU 
could be developed.  I guess I am suggesting more of a CPU 
emulator than a CoCo-4 emulator, but it could be one 
approach to the idea.


On Tue, 06 Jan 2004 01:07:34 -0300
  "Richard E. Crislip" <rcrislip at neo.rr.com> wrote:
>Hello Bill
>Thats the best suggestion I've heard in a long time. But 
>batten down the
>hatches because the wish list will probably sink the 
>ship. Just deciding on
>the new and improved features will probably start enough 
>flame wars to keep
>us plenty toasty and warm all through this cold winter 
>> Ok. I'll break the silence.
>> Coco 4 project?
>> Instead of a hardware project, why not modify one of the 
>> Emulate what could have been. If there is enough 
>>interest, perhaps a real
>> hardware project could be started later?
>> Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <bathory at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
>> At 11:36 AM 1/5/04 -0600, Boisy Pitre wrote:
>>> This is a test message, as I haven't been getting any 
>>>traffic from the 
>>> list in almost a day.
>> Last post (before yours) appears to have been about 8:40 
>>last night. Maybe
>> it's just quiet?
>> Dennis
>                                                   _|_
>              on AutoPilot with an Amiga   ---o-( )-o--- 
>  and a CoCo
>                                             Richard
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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