[Coco] First game that had a save command?

John Riddle jriddle at cablespeed.com
Tue Dec 21 23:50:04 EST 2004

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 20:04:56 -0500
  Diego Barizo <diegoba at adinet.com.uy> wrote:
>Pyramid, Bedlam, and Raaka-Tu, all have the save command, 
>and according to the catalogs I have, they were released 
>before Madness and DoD.
>Now, are we talking about CoCo games or any in general? 
>Anybody knows about any game for the TRS-80 Model 

The coco versions don't have a save feature.  They may 
have been the some of the earliest with that feature for 
the Model 1.  

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