[Coco] Re: CoCo3P, more photos, new page.

Bob theother_bob at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 17 18:16:04 EDT 2004

> Would you be interested in publising a step by step document on how you did
> that? 
I would... just a matter of time, which I'll be having more of in the
not-too-distant future.

> I, especially interested in how the FDD and FDD controller were
> conncected to the bus and where the comtroller is. Finally is the expansion
> bus still usable. TIA

I've added another shot (C3P_alltogether.jpg) that shows the whole thing with
the controller plugged in.
(Bookmark this page: http://www.geocities.com/theother_bob )

I decided to leave the controller external so that:
A. It's easy to remove and use other carts.
B. I have room for and IDE interface in the future.
C. I can easily unplug the internal drive and hook up to externals.

I have a shorty controller(26-3133) and two full size ones.
With the full length controller and my specific length of cable, in order to
remove the controller I first have to unplug the drive cable, then pull out the
cart. The short controller is really nice for this application (looks better


PS: The solution to the 8v power problem (when using a PC power supply) is to
bypass the cap. Either jumper across it with a wire (as noted in the article)
or go under the RF shield and short the capacitor's leads with solder.

With regards to the different MPI's, mine is also the one not written about,
but I managed anyway. I'll write an addendum to that article or something.

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