[Coco] Re: Very General Question

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Thu Apr 1 23:59:42 EST 2004

Hello Sr.

Ahhh but wouldn't life be sooo boring without those wonderful aromatic
"HoneyWagons" running up and down the street? 8-))

> What, no purple and yellow Barberton booster? <G>
> Mr. Crislip & I both live in the land of no sewers, AKA Norton OH, a 
> city without a ZIP Code.
> On Wednesday, March 31, 2004, at 04:23  AM, Richard E. Crislip wrote:
>> Hello Charles
>> On 03/31/04, Charles D. Shrader II wrote:
>>> So what city and state does everyone live in?  I'm in Knoxville, TN.
>>> Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska.
>>> GO BIG RED!!!
>>> Also, what is your favorite game on the TRS-80 Model 2/3?
>> Norton, Ohio, but I'm a Tallmagde, Ohio Blue Devil at heart 8-).
>> -- 
>> Cruisen                                                    _|_
>>               on AutoPilot with an Amiga   ---o-( )-o---   and a CoCo
>>                                              Richard
>> -- 
>> Coco mailing list
>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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> ============================================================
> | Dry your tears, ye hearts nigh broken,                   |
> | Of Zion it shall yet be spoken:                          |
> | "Her citizens in number grow!"                           |
> | Men shall see with fear and wonder                       |
> | How G_D builds Zion, they shall ponder                   |
> | The grace and strength He doth bestow.                   |
> | Lift up your souls and hearts, the nations' day departs. |
> | Then His day comes,                                      |
> | Zion shall rise, and Judah's eyes                        |
> | The One it pierced will recognize!                       |
> ========================= ZH 194:5 =========================
> ...................AIM : appraisebee........................
Cruisen                                                    _|_
              on AutoPilot with an Amiga   ---o-( )-o---   and a CoCo

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