[Coco] The online Telenet CoCo BBS now has a domain name!

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Nov 29 08:26:00 EST 2003

On Saturday 29 November 2003 00:33, Roger Taylor wrote:
>At 01:09 PM 11/28/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>>For those that have logged into my CoCo BBS online and have a hard
>> time remembering the  IP address, which a lot of us do (most of
>> the time I can't remember the IP address to my web server), the
>> online CoCo BBS (The CoCo Connection) now has a domain name.  It
>> is cocobbs.staticcling.org
>>Just put that address into your telnet program and you are logged
>> into the BBS.  For PC users, I would recommend the latest version
>> of Hyperterminal found at http://www.hilgraeve.com/htpe/htpe63.exe
>>The stock telnet program with comes with windows just doesn't cut
>> it.
>Actually, I popped up the XP telnet window and logged onto your
> virtual BBS and everything worked great.
>Now, if I can only figure out a way to channel the stdin/stdout of
> the telnet window into my NetMate terminal emulator running in
> M.E.S.S.  This would allow me to test the program since I have
> reassembled it from stray parts.  I do remember that I coded my
> ANSI driver on many tests, using BBSes, college VAX machines
> (mostly VT-100 there), and going by the specs for the full ANSI
> emulation.
>Another idea would be to redirect the stdin/stdout of the telnet
> window through the parallel or serial port on the PC, so the CoCo
> can be hooked up to the connection.

Two comments after I logged in and looked around.

1. the comm method really shouldn't be telnet as it leaves the host 
system open to the quick and dirty installation of rootkits and such.
Its simply not secure.  Take a good look at ssh, aka secure shell, 
which is much more secure, establishing the comm channel in an 
encrypted format before it asks you for your username and password, 
so not even those are sent in the clear.  And the 8 character limit 
on password length leaves it more vulnerable to a dictionary attack 
than it could be with a longer password.

2. If you are going to use yellow text, please put it over a black 
background, yellow over white is very difficult to read.  This was 
using the std telnet that comes with linux, the first time I actually 
used it as I use ssh even when logging into my firewall 5 feet away.
I don't run any telnetd services here, and I don't know anyone who 
does.  Shutting it off is part of the std system security.

Cheers, gene
gheskett at wdtv dot com
99.27% setiathome rank, not too bad for a WV hillbilly

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