[Coco] Creating a .dsk MESS image an EASY way!

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 26 09:54:44 EST 2003

tim lindner wrote:

> A stock DSKINI command will do no such thing. Currently the emulated
> 179x will abort the write track command as soon as it is recieved.

Thank you for the correction.

> A stock DSKO$ command error out if the track or sector parameter is too
> large?
> You said above that these instructions will work, "regardless of your
> DOS". I just wanted to point out these limitations.
It is easy to exceed the nominal track and sector limits regardless of 
your DOS if you POKE two locations in memory. For example, with DOS1.1 
the maximum value for tracks is at $D534 and sectors at $D540. Decide 
what limit you want and POKE mem,(limit-1).

By the way, I'm glad that someone reads my messages carefully :)

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