[Coco] Re: PIA keyboard input?
Roger Taylor
rtaylor at bayou.com
Tue Dec 9 18:56:09 EST 2003
At 11:23 PM 12/7/2003 +0100, you wrote:
> > Since "POLCAT's" scan routine already does this why do you
> > want to do it directly? You could read the keyboard rollover
> > table from low ram instead.
I've found that it's much easier and better to just copy-and-paste a much
nicer POLCAT routine of your own into your assembly programs. BASIC's ROM
call is good if you're not doing fancy stuff. It simply returns the key you
are pressing. You might even mess with the rollover/debounce table to
achieve key repeating, or even hack the SHIFT conversion table to generate
your own shifted keys.
I hope I'm not violating a list ordinance, but here is a nice CoCo 1/2/3
keyboard procedure with all the things you would expect, including a
routine you can call to insert keys or codes right into the keyboard
buffer. Whatever you store in this 256-byte buffer gets returned as
keystrokes on subsequent calls to "InKey". Actually, it's a 255-byte buffer
because there's two indexes. The Read Index chases the Store Index, and if
they are the same, nothing is in the buffer. Make sense?
It was not written as a tutorial, so commenting is poor. I'm a speed
developer so you won't find me spending much time writing novels in the
right column, so to speak. Sorry, no time for it. Oh, the day will be
glorious when a speech recognition system can insert thoughts on each
source code line as I focus on coding.
disclaimer: This code derived from other people's routines. I did not
invent the CoCo keyboard scanning process. There may be some ANSI/VT-100
codes in the translation tables.
-------------- next part --------------
* Advanced position-independent CoCo 3 keyboard function
* Use the assembler directive "include polkey_plus.asm"
* Just do a 'jsr InKey' then check the A register.
* Supports key repeat and features a 255-byte macro buffer
* which you can manually stock with simulated keystrokes.
* local variables (not compatible with read-only memory)
@KeyBuf rmb 256
@KeyTim rmb 2
@KeyTyp rmb 1
@CtrKey rmb 1
@PutMac fcb 0
@GetMac fcb 0
* The macro buffer has priority over real keystrokes.
* Manually store to the keyboard buffer to simulate keystrokes
* entry: a=key code to store in macro buffer
PutKey pshs d,x
inc @PutMac,pcr
ldb @PutMac,pcr
leax @KeyBuf,pcr
sta ,X
puls d,x,pc
* entry registers: none
* exit: a=key pressed
* a=0=nothing returned
* b=>0=was a Control-Key
InKey pshs b,x,u
clr @KeyTyp,pcr check macro buffer first
ldb @GetMac,pcr
cmpb @PutMac,pcr
beq @a
stb @GetMac,pcr
leax @KeyBuf,pcr
lda ,X
lbra @exit
@a clr 65282 scan keyboard
lda 65280
anda #127
bne @rep1
ldd #$FFFF
std 338
std 340
std 342
std 344
std @KeyTim,pcr
lbra @exit
@rep1 ldx #338
ldb #8
@rep2 lda ,X+
anda #63
cmpa #63
bne @rep3 key being pressed, break the loop
bne @rep2
std @KeyTim,pcr
bra @poll
@rep3 ldd @KeyTim,pcr
addd #1
std @KeyTim,pcr
cmpd #1000
blo @poll
subd #90
std @KeyTim,pcr
ldx #338
ldb #8
@rep4 lda ,X
ora #63 repeat all but function keys
sta ,X+
bne @rep4
@poll leas -5,S
clr 3,S
ldu #65280
ldx #338
lda #$ff
sta ,S column
sta 2,S row mask
@f lda 2,S
lbcc @pdone 7 rows done
sta 2,S
inc ,S
lbsr @scan
sta 1,S
eora ,X
anda ,X
ldb 1,S
stb ,X+
beq @f
inc 3,S
beq @f
@e lsra
bcs @e2
addb #8
bra @e
@e2 leax @KeyCnv+28,pcr
addb ,S
beq @g3
cmpb #26
ble @g2
leax @KeyCnv-54,pcr
cmpb #32
ble @g3
leax @KeyCnv-84,pcr
cmpb #48
bge @g3
lbsr @shift
cmpb #43
ble @g
eora #64
@g tsta
bne @final
addb #16
bra @final
@g2 orb #64
lbsr @shift
ora 282
bne @final
orb #32 shift letter
bra @final
@g3 aslb
lbsr @shift
beq @h
incb shifted code
@h ldb B,X
@final tstb
beq POL300
bsr @alt
beq @i
orb #128
bra POL300
@i bsr @ctrl
beq POL300
leax @CtrCnv,pcr
CTR010 tst ,X
beq CTR100
cmpb ,X
beq CTR020
leax 2,X
bra CTR010
CTR020 ldb 1,X
bra POL300
CTR100 andb #31
bra POL300
POL300 stb 4,S
bsr @w
lda #255
bsr @scan
bne @pdone
lda 2,S
bsr @scan
cmpa 1,S
bne @pdone
cmpb #18
bne @prts
com 282
@pdone clr 4,S
@prts leas 4,S
lda ,S+
@exit ldb @CtrKey,pcr
puls b,x,u,pc
@scan sta 2,U
lda ,U
ora #128 set stop-bit
@w ldx #1200
@w2 leax -1,X
bne @w2
@alt lda #$F7
bsr @shf2
pshs CC
lsla 128
ora @KeyTyp,pcr
sta @KeyTyp,pcr
puls CC,PC
@ctrl lda #$EF
bsr @shf2
sta @CtrKey,pcr
@shift lda #127
@shf2 sta 2,U
lda ,U
anda #64
* keys and their shift-key conversion
@KeyCnv fdb $0B5F
fdb $0A5B
fdb $087F
fdb $095D
fdb $2020
fdb $3012
fdb $0D0D
fdb $0C5C
fdb $031B
fdb $0000 alt/shift-alt
fdb $0000 ctrl/shift-ctrl
fdb $0000 f1/shift-f1
fdb $0000 f2/shift-f2
fdb $0000 shift
fdb $4013
* keys and their control-key conversion
@CtrCnv fcb 48,126 TILDE
fcb 50,12
fcb 52,124 4=124
fcc "8["
fcc "9]"
fcb 44,123 <
fcb 46,125 >
fcb 64,96
fcc ":"
fcb 124
fcc "/"
fcb 92
fcb 64,94
fcc "-"
fcb 95
fcb 32,0
fcb 0
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