[ From Butch Ross ] This Weekend: Harmony Harvest in Lancaster, OH

News, info and tourdates for Butch Ross butchross at butchross.com
Tue Sep 12 23:12:56 EDT 2017

Friday, Sept. 15 through Sunday, Sept. 17
Harmony Harvest Dulcimer Festival
Fairfield County Fairgrounds
157 East Fair Ave.
Lancaster, Oh

Way back in 2005, Alyce Stoops ased me to come and play this festival she
was running in Lancaster, Ohio. Well it took me 4 years to get there and by
then Gary Sager was running it. I didn't know it at the time, but it was
one of the most important festivals of my career. Fast forward 8 years and
now Laura Elder is running it and I'm back! This time Trish is with me and
we'll be teaching songwriting and performing in addition to lots of Ducimer
and Uke stuff. It'll be a great time, come if you can.


"Now I know what a dulcimer is supposed to sound like" —Jake Shimabukuro

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