[Coco] Emulator Problems

dlb db388696 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 23:05:01 EDT 2024

I rarely use the emulators - I've always used mame, but the worst thing
about mame is that it seems like every time the publish an update, all
my images are broken.  right now, my installed mame is 0.251.  when I
start it as coco3h all I get is a blank green screen with no logo, but
coco produces the logo.  Howevever, the mame flatpak loads coco3h well
and appears to work well.

I'd like to begin using xroar but have never had any luck  Right now,
when I boot, it goes through the boot process, showing the modules
being processed, it gets to "i2xto" and then the screen fills with
garbage.  Booting with mame (flatpak) it displays "i2xoC" - a little
different than xroar. This with the same floppy and hard drive images.
Are there any special modules that xroar needs?  I wonder about the
difference in the i2x.. stuff? loading from the same files.

I'm running Debian (linux mint LMDE).  I tried the .deb from xroar, but
it looks like it might be built for testing.  I built it myself using
the command "./configure --enable coco3 --with-x"  Both of these give
the same results.  I may have to rebuild my boot disk.  FWIW, my HD
image was created with Boisy's toolshed programs, if that makes any

It's been a long time since I've built a boot image, and I've forgotten
a lot of what I did. I have some helper scripts, but I think I'll redo
them.  I may go to 6809 also, as what I do does not really require a

Any help, or reference to any web page would be appreciated.

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