[Coco] Making the rounds: a home made 6809 portable

farna at amc-mag.com farna at amc-mag.com
Thu Feb 11 07:11:36 EST 2021

Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 10:42:07 +0900
 From: Joel Rees

Sounds cool. No pics?

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 1:58 AM Francis Swygert <farna at att.net> wrote:

     Reminds me very much of the CoCo3 I repackaged into a defunct 
KayproII case. Used it at several Chicago CoCoFests in the 90s for 
making copies of discs. The Kaypro monitor wasn't usable since it wasn't 
composite. I replaced it with a surplus open frame amber composite 
monitor of the same size from a mail order electronics surplus company. 
Used the CoCo3 keyboard with a ribbon cable and RS232 connector on 
front. Had two 5.25" double sided and one 720K 3.5" floppy. Had intended 
to use a short cable and put a Disto controller with a 4-n-1 at some 
point, but never did. The CoCo3 board JUST FIT with a shorty disc 
controller plugged in.


Alas, no pics handy! You might find one in Allen Huffman's CoCoFest 
archives, would be in the mid to late 90s, FARNA Systems booth.
My main CoCo3 was repackaged in a Tandy 2000 case with a pair of double 
sided 5.25" floppies (360K -- ditched the 1.2MB originals) and a 3.5" 
floppy that I cut a hole for near the center of the case. Also had a 
Disto no-halt floppy controller with 4-N-1 (got it on sale from Tony 
himself -- the parallel port wasn't working, bad trace or something) 
with a small SCSI hard drive, I think a 40MB. I never really got into 
OS-9, and hardly used the hard drive. I ended up selling both around 
98-99 as I had stopped using them, not too long after I stopped 
publishing "the world of 68' micros". Up to that point I'd been using my 
main one for e-mail, editing, and of course checking out programs sent 
in for the magazine. Used it with Delphi for years, but when they 
started going down hill as the Internet exploded, and e-mail started to 
contain so much graphics instead of plain text, it became harder to use 
the CoCo for e-mail. All magazine production was done on a PC clone 
using PageMaker 4 and a laser printer. I considered keeping at least one 
of them, but felt that someone still interested in giving a fair price 
for them (don't recall what they sold for) would get some more use and 
enjoyment out of them instead of languishing in a closet for years. I 
sometimes wish I hadn't, but the reality is I might pull it out and play 
a game or two on it once every now and then, and an emulator on my PC is 
just as good for that. I don't even have an emulator installed since I 
upgraded this past Christmas, hadn't messed with anything for a few 
years before...   Wish I remembered or thought to record who bought 
those things! I wonder if they are still around??

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