[Coco] 64K ROM to RAM programs - where did this one come from?

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Tue Dec 14 16:58:25 EST 2021

And from the July 1987 Rainbow article, the DRIVER program looked like this:

4000:	1A 50         	ORCC #$50
4002:	8E 80 00      	LDX #$8000
4005:	7F FF DE      	CLR $FFDE
4008:	A6 84         	LDA ,X
400A:	7F FF DF      	CLR $FFDF
400D:	A7 84         	STA ,X
400F:	30 01         	LEAX $01,X
4011:	8C FF 00      	CMPX #$FF00
4014:	26 EF         	BNE $4005
4016:	1C 9F         	ANDCC #$9F
4018:	39            	RTS

It stopped at $FF00 (where I/O begins), and is similar to Frank Hogg’s except it did not use an ,X+ increment. Instead, it would load from X, store at X, then use LEAX to add one to X to move to the next location.


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