[Coco] OVCC - Setup Guide

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Fri Oct 23 02:03:38 EDT 2020

Ok - replying to my own post - I think I see what needed to be done - 
which is weird in one way, and sorta-intuitive in another:

Basically - you have to "plug cartridges in" to each other - but you 
select the libs (in linux, the .so file - in windows I think the .dll 
files) that represent the devices (unless it's a game cart - then you 
select the .ccc image file). So you first plug in the mpi, then into the 
mpi plug in the disk controller, etc.

This really all needs to be written up in a clean and clear manner...

Andrew L. Ayers
Glendale, Arizona

On 10/22/20 10:49 PM, Andrew wrote:
> Hello everyone. I just got OVCC installed on my Linux box, and I can 
> get it to start up and it finds the coco3.rom just fine, but it 
> doesn't seem to find the disk11.rom I have. I looked at the vcc.ini 
> file - and it's intriguing - but not super clear as to what needs to 
> be put where.
> All the .so files seem to be in place in /lib/ovcc - but when I bring 
> up the cartridge menu, it's blank.
> I've tried to find a set of documentation for setting up ovcc (or even 
> vcc) - but there doesn't seem to be much, if anything, on how to 
> configure this software, nor what the settings are in the vcc.ini file.
> I find it rather amazing, after all the good stuff I heard about the 
> software - but maybe the information is hidden somewhere (I was hoping 
> "man ovcc" would reveal something - but nope - neither did "ovcc 
> --help" or "ovcc -?" show anything - sigh).
> If someone(s) can help me out here on the details - I will gladly use 
> my unemployed downtime to write a setup guide or something and post it 
> to the archive...
> In the meantime, I will peruse the archive and other places, and see 
> if I missed something, somewhere...
> Thanks!
> Andrew L. Ayers
> Glendale, Arizona
> phoenixgarage.org
> github.com/andrew-ayers

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