[Coco] Redirection.

coco at jechar.ca coco at jechar.ca
Thu Apr 2 12:24:28 EDT 2020

  In os9 one should be able to pipe the output of one process
  into another does anyone have an example of how this works
  for basic09 or can it only be done in another language.

  What I want is a program that can accept the text output by
  another program just as if it were typed into a INPUT text$
  statement by a user.

  So two questions:

  1.   How to design test1.b09 so that you could redirect
     another os9 program such as dir to act as it's input.

  2.   Does anything special have to be done so that a program
     test2.b09 can redirect it's output to act as the input for
     test1.b09 at the command line.

  Do you have any sample code that shows how I could set this


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