[Coco] Video band width and accessing video memory

tim franklinlabs.com tim at franklinlabs.com
Sun Jun 2 13:32:37 EDT 2019

   One thing I'd like to point out is that your math is slightly off. 320
   * 200 * 4 is correct but there's four pixels per bite so the final
   calculations is 18000 bytes not 36000.

   On June 1, 2019 at 11:40 PM Walter < [1]zambotti at iinet.net.au> wrote:

   I'm just intrigued at what mechanism the video output device is using

   access memory .

   The reason is this.

   A CoCo's max freq operates at 1788000hz (1.788mz).

   So in 1 second there can be 1788000 cycles. So at maximum of 1 cycle


   byte access, a total 1788000 bytes can be accessed.

   Dividing that into 60 frames per second that would equate to 1788000 /
   60 =

   29,800 bytes per

   frame can be accessed.

   But the video modes for the CoCo support 320x225x4 = 320x225x(1/2) =

   bytes per screen.

   So how does the video device access 36000 bytes per screen in 1/60 of a

   second when the

   memory bandwidth will only allow a maximum of 29,800 bytes per second!

   Does the video device read two bytes in one cycle?

   Or are my assumptions all wrong?



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