[Coco] Glenside Database

Melanie and John Mark Mobley johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 15:28:55 EDT 2018

If you received a private email about the new release of the Glenside
newsletter then you are considered a member of the Glenside Color Computer
The email address you received the message on is how you login to the
You should try to login and set your password and update your data.

Login at: https://www.tandylist.com/

If you did not receive an email then you are likely not in the database.
Contact me off-list if you want to be added.  Or use the contact button on
the website and make a request to be added to the database.   All we need is
a name and an email address.  Then you can try and login and add any other
data you feel comfortable sharing.

Having city, state and zip code is helpful in building our map.  The map is
useful for computer fest planning, get-togethers, picnic planning,
ride-sharing, wellness checks, and auction pickups.

Eventually we hope to have a voluntary hardware registry.  This would help
software developers know what platforms are worth developing for.

If you have trouble setting your password then use the contact button to
file a complaint.

Once you have an login email and password you can do thing like
pre-registering for the CoCoFEST!  The pre-registration should be working in
a week or two.  But you can at least get your login and password working
now.  We hope that pre-registration will make the registration line at the
CoCoFEST go much quicker.

You also have the option to make settings like don't email me and such.

You can contact Glenside officers using:

You will likely receive a private email when pre-registration is up and

You can also wait and register at the CoCoFEST!

This is all new and a little buggy, so don't expect it to work the first
time.  My set password request cause me to receive an email that I missed
because it went to a spam/junk email folder.  My wife and I are both in the
database and we both have the same email address.  So when I log in who's
record will I be able to update?

John Mark Mobley
Newsletter Editor for the Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc.

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