[Coco] WiFi modem.

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Fri Jan 19 19:16:55 EST 2018

On Friday 19 January 2018 13:20:50 RETRO Innovations wrote:

> On 1/19/2018 9:32 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > With the right uart, and the
> > 6551 isn't it, drivewire could be pushed up in speed by quite a
> > noticeable amount.
> Technical details would be nice on this, as the 6551, properly wired,
> does 230K just fine, including flow control.  The Commodore community
> has does this for year, and I replicated the functionality for 230K
> into the 6551 cart I designed.  I even added Sockmaster's auto-RTS and
> such tweaks on the board.
> Jim

Tandy didn't wire it right. There are instructions on how to fix it that 
were available on the net way back then. I might even have them printed 
out, someplace in the midden heap that passes for a full basement.

If you do it right, with a 6552 so I can still use my mouse too, you will 
sell me at least one of those dual port kits. Put the ports on a db9 
each, and make the 7wire protocol std.

One of the more famous faults was that hardware flow control stopped the 
transmission in its tracks, in the middle of sending a byte. The 
hardware hack to the pack fixed that too.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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