[Coco] VGA monitor w/speakers for CoaC FPGA

James Jones jejones3141 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 12:28:01 EST 2018

I have a Samsung LCD monitor (S22C300) with HDMI and VGA input, but it's
not clear whether it has speakers, despite the HDMI input, and it's
16:9--wasn't thinking of hooking it up to a CoCo when I bought it. I have a
cable with VGA at one end DVI at the other--that might expand the

4:3 is rare these days, and aside from 8" monitors that turn up, it looks
like you pay for that old aspect ratio. Might be good to go to local stores
that sell refurbished monitors, or maybe even Goodwill if it's possible to
test before you buy.

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 7:58 PM, Allen Huffman <alsplace at pobox.com> wrote:

> Has anyone found a particularly nice, small VGA monitor with speakers for
> use with the CoCo on a Chip or other FPGA projects? There are tons, even
> some that are still 4:3 aspect ratio (used for security cameras). Not sure
> where to start. The monitor I am borrowing has stereo speakers, but it
> requires going in through menus to adjust volume, which is not useful.
> Hoping to find something that has an easier volume adjustment :)
> --
> Allen Huffman - PO Box 7634 - Urbandale IA 50323 - 515-999-0227
> (vmail/TXT only)
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