[Coco] GFL football 2 on Cocoflash

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Sun Jan 14 05:12:16 EST 2018


First I saw 448 bytes different between my new dump and the file on the archive named "GFL Championship Football II (1988) (26-3172) (ZCT Systems [!].ccc" and 31733 bytes different between my new dump and the file on the archive named "GFL Championship Football II (1988) (26-3172) (ZCT Systems [b1].ccc”! So based on what I dumped from my cartridge, both are bad! One is close, only 448 bytes different out of 32768, but still different. The differences for the the one with 448 bytes different start at offset 15873 or address $FE01 in the high bank so this could just be bytes that are never accessed in the rom that are hidden under the vector page. I read $FF for these bytes. My method of reading was to read it in the CoCo 3 by mapping the cartridge and reading the rom address.

Secondly, I did not try either copy from the archive but I now know that mine works as I tried my dump.

My dump is available right now at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DiwRvVeJY5s2il_9hPeSH2hi5iXMeoyO <https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DiwRvVeJY5s2il_9hPeSH2hi5iXMeoyO>

Program ftball0.bin first, then ftball1.bin, in the menu data statement add an entry to start the bank where ftball1.bin was programmed with a type code of 2. Ftball0 will be mapped in after ftball0 starts. The file prgflash.dsk is a virtual disk file which contains the CoCo Flash utilities, ftball0.bin, ftball1.bin and the program I used to dump the rom which I just slapped together, dumprom.bas. Please forgive the way it displays a “garbage” screen while it is running, but it seems to work. It uses the USR4 routine from prgflash.bin which reads a byte from cartridge rom and returns it to BASIC.

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