[Coco] Forth

Joel Rees joel.rees at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 17:47:24 EDT 2017

I hesitate to bring this up for all sorts of reasons, but I built a dialect
of Forth for the Coco from my college days.

I was able to bring it up on xroar a couple of months back, but my monitor
died shortly after that, and before I could put up a blog post describing
how. Some of the questions I asked about manipulating files on coco basic
disk images were for that project.

If anyone is interested, I'll try walking you through (on list) getting it
running and then actually making use of it.

There are some funky bits I added to get a grade in the class, that need to
be fixed before it can be really useful, but it did run and I had a postfix
syntax assembler for it, as well.

It ran on a real Coco3, too, but I'm not sure it will run on the hardware
emulators. I used some questionable opcodes (for example, 16 bit instctions
but single inc/dec index postbyte) and accessed the ROM in some places that
were only partially documented. Those can be fixed in the source, with some

Joel Rees


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