[Coco] A New CoCo Forum, just what we need?

Steve Strowbridge ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 15:24:47 EDT 2017

So the question has come up, a few times recently, about the "Ease of use"
factor (hard sarcasm intended) on how it's not easy to find topics in the
Facebook group.

And yes, this list can be searched, and this list does a decent job of
threading conversations, although I've seen them break, so, do we need a
CoCo Forum?

Would anybody use it?

Is this, like so many other things, a waste of time, and one more thing to
divide and distract the community?

I don't know, but on a whim, we've set one up, and we'll test "If you build
it, they will come" and see what happens.

I think there is potential, but like anything, it needs to be promoted and

Please try our forum and let us know what you think, http://retrofanatic.com
if this is something worth doing and keeping, then we'll do it.

Steve Strowbridge, aka
The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
ogStevieStrow at gmail.com

Website:  http://ogsteviestrow.com
Merchandise:  http://8bit256.com
All things CoCo:  http://imacoconut.com
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