[Coco] Bug in mfree?

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Fri Oct 13 16:11:19 EDT 2017

I hate to keep bringing up questions about potential bugs but does 
anyone know if there's a bug in the mfree command?  When I invoke the 
command from by standard boot on the CoCo3FPGA I get:

  Blk Begin   End   Blks  Size
  --- ------ ------ ---- ------
    B  16000  17FFF    1     8k
   11  22000  7DFFF   2E   368k
   40  80000 1FBFFF   BE  1520k
                    ==== ======
             Total:   ED  1896k

which seems to be just fine.  However, when I invoke it from my headless 
boot (with more free memory) on the same machine I get:

  Blk Begin   End   Blks  Size
  --- ------ ------ ---- ------
    8  10000  7DFFF   37   440k
   40  80000                    ==== ======
             Total:   F7  1976k

I'm not sure why the 'End' and 'Blks' doesn't print and why the 'totals 
line' (for lack of a better term) gets shifted over to the right.  Is 
this another bug associated with the bootfile being too small?


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