[Coco] Hook an IRQ in CMOC?

Joel Rees joel.rees at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 19:25:14 EST 2017

Not having a chance to use CMOC, and reading the chatter on list, I was
going to express some doubts about being able to separate CMOC from the ECB
runtime. But looking at Pierre Serrazin's examples, I see an example called
nobasic.c that should get you quite a ways in.

2017/11/08 20:52 "Randy Weaver" <emceesquared at gmail.com>:
> Are their any examples of hooking an IRQ to a CMOC function?
> Sorry if I sound stupid. very new to all this.  I promise, once I get
> better, I will help answer silly questions on this list!
> If my question doesn't make sense, here's what I'm trying to do:
> Based on responses to my previous questions, I think a main loop in my
> program makes sense.  The loop processes a queue of tasks with irq's
> monitoring inputs and adding to the queue of tasks.
> So I think my main() function would "hook" to IRQ to a function pointer.
> Function irqFire() would check things and add items to a global queue
> (perhaps a global array), the main loop would keep popping items off the
> queue and processing them.
> This making any sense?
> Thanks!
> -Randy
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