[Coco] I got my Hello World C app to compile and run on a coco! yay

Joel Rees joel.rees at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 07:08:55 EDT 2017

I just remembered I had started a primer ages ago:


It fizzled, but there are a couple of possibly interesting examples with
possibly meaningful explanations, English mixed with Japanese. (I make it a
rule to try too hard.)

My  copy-paste buffer is linked from there with more samples.

And there's some moderately shallow stuff in this blog:


(I have a short attention span.)

2017/11/03 6:51 "Randy Weaver" <emceesquared at gmail.com>:

I’m a C# dev… I want to learn CMOC C so I can write some interweb utils for
the CoCo.

Any good C books/PDF that might help?


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