Mathieu Bouchard
matju at artengine.ca
Mon Mar 6 20:30:59 EST 2017
Arduino uses RS232 emulation over USB. This means that it still uses 1.5
megabauds (666 ns) or 12 megabauds (83 ns), that is, whichever of USB1's two
speeds, but uses only short bursts of this, separated by long silences, because
Arduino's CPU only outputs at RS232 rates (115200 bauds and such).
Le 2017-03-06 à 20:03:00, John Guin a écrit :
> Can USB slow down to 9600 baud? I know on the Arduino for the serial monitor (and serial connections in general) you set the speed to 9600 to 115K or so.
> I could not find a minimum speed for USB documented anywhere, but saw that you could connect older 9600 baud modems via USB. Seems like that would be do-able if this is the case.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD --- tél: 514.623.3801, 514.383.3801 --- Montréal, QC
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