[Coco] (no subject)

Rietveld Rietveld rietveldh at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 26 18:35:01 EDT 2017

Sdcm audio file question: Hi

I am very excited by the SDCM. I hooked the audio out on my coco flash to a vintage 80's radio shack mini amp. It sounds great. The added advantage is that the amp is switchable and will simulate stereo with the coco's standard audio out also

Anyway I wanted more audio for the player so I used Travis Poppe's instructions to convert Mp3 to CSM


I am using an Ubuntu virtual box and it seems to create the CSM but when I try to play it from the audio file on the SD card it doesn't play?

This happened for the new cococrew podcast I converted?

Are there limitations to what mp3 can be converted?
Or do I need to run Linux outside of 'the box' to create the CSM's?

I guess I will wait for the. PDC and play it with the cococaster player while I figure it out

Sent from my BlackBerry Passport Red Edition.

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