[Coco] Linville's ramblings on assembly vs machine code

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Mon Jul 10 17:34:01 EDT 2017

Dave Philipsen wrote:
> I was talking with someone once about pushing and pulling registers to/from the stack on the 6809.
> He had a concern about how one particular disassembler represented the order in which a list of
> registers would be pushed or pulled.  From the point of view of someone who worked purely with
> assembly mnemonics and never even bothered to look at the machine codes that had been assembled,
> this might be a valid question.  Does it matter how you order the registers when you push or pull
> them? (i.e. is pshs  a,b,x,y different than pshs y,x,b,a ?)
> If when you learned assembler you at least got a taste of how it relates to machine code you would
> know right away that it matters not because each of the registers to be pushed or pulled is
> represented by a single bit in a post code byte that follows the opcode.  The processor will always
> push or pull the registers in the same order regardless of how you write it in assembler.  So to
> answer the question: no, pshs a,b,x,y is not any different than pshs y,x,b,a.

Well, here is at least one exception that proves the rule. :)

It makes a very big difference what order the stacking process takes place! You can easily find 
examples in the Coco code where a stack has been pushed and depending on the following code, the 
contents of the stack was changed and then eventually pulled.
If you don't know where a particular register was placed on the stack, then you won't know where 
that value is located so it can be changed.

One example of this issue occurs when you replace a 6809 with a 6309 and try to work in native mode. 
The NMI routine in DOS1.1 is
	STX	10,S

The above works with a 6809 or a 6309 in emulation mode. With a 6309 in native mode, the code needs 
to be
	STX	12,S
as the stacking is changed.


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