[Coco] OS9 Lv 1 games

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 21:12:39 EDT 2016

On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Barry Nelson <
barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com> wrote:

> Cave Walker does not run on NitrOS9 L2 on physical hardware, but strangely
> does run on NitrOS9 L2 on VCC. It runs on OS-9 L2 on physical hardware
> fine, and when run that way it takes advantage of some CoCo 3 features.

​Barry, that is strange that a NitrOS-9 L2 and Cave Walker doesn't work on
real hardware.​ I know Cave Walker does work on real hardware through OS-9
L2.  Wonder what could be causing the issue with NitrOS-9 L2?

| David Ladd a.k.a. PacoOtaktay a.k.a. Drencor                          |
| YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/PacoOtaktay                      |
| YouTube Gaming Live: https://gaming.youtube.com/user/PacoOtaktay/live |
| Websites: http://dwladd.com     &     http://www.theterrorzone.com    |
| G+:  https://plus.google.com/113262444659438038657                    |
| G+:  https://plus.google.com/+DavidLaddPacoOtaktay                    |
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| Do you have your CoCo 3 yet?                                          |

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